Logic v Intelligent Design: Dawkins "Darwinism leads to Fascism"

On UcD, BarryA claims that “Dawkins: “Darwinism Leads to Fascism””

As irksome as Richard Dawkins can sometimes be, one must nevertheless admire his occasional outbursts of honesty. Over at First Things Fr. Ed Oakes refers to an interview Dawkins gave to an Austrian newspaper, Die Presse (July 30, 2005), in which he said: “No decent person wants to live in a society that works according to Darwinian laws. . . . A Darwinian society would be a fascist state.”

That’s like saying that a Quantum Mechanical society would be an anarchy. I hope that those better versed in logic than our Intelligent Design defender, understands the difference between “A Darwinian society would be a fascist state” and “Darwinism leads to Fascism”?

Kids, you be warned, this is your brain on Intelligent Design…

And what about the ellipsis?

The actual article in German

In “The Ancestor’s Tale” nennen Sie den Wohlfahrtsstaat eine “Herausforderung an den Darwinismus”. Wie kann man diese Herausforderung rechtfertigen?

In “the Ancestor’s Tale” you mention the Welfare State as a challenge to Darwinism. How can one justify this challenge”

Dawkins: Kein anständiger Mensch will in einer Gesellschaft leben, die nach darwinistischen Gesetzen funktioniert. Ich bin leidenschaftlicher Darwinist, wenn es darum geht zu erklären, wie sich das Leben entwickelt hat. Aber ich bin leidenschaftlicher Anti-Darwinist, wenn es darum geht, in welcher Form von Gesellschaft wir leben wollen. Eine darwinistische Gesellschaft wäre ein faschistischer Staat.

Dawkins: No self respecting person would want to live in a Society that operates according to Darwinian laws. I am an passionate Darwinist, when it involves explaining the development of life. However, I am a passionate anti-Darwinist when it involves the kind of society in which we want to live. A Darwinian State would be a Fascist state.