A Colossal Waste of Time

[Jon Blumenfeld on "NOMA":](http://www.theskepticsguide.org/sgublog/?p=34)

> Every single \[book review in the _Reports of the NCSE_\], in whole or in part, is an attempt to reconcile science and religion – and that’s just one issue of _RNCSE_.... \[C\]an’t we dispense with all the book writing, all the mental contortionism, all the close study and redefinition of every word in the bible to somehow rescue God, and just say, “Science good. Faith not subject to reason.” As Hugh Laurie’s character, Dr. House, recently said: “Rational arguments do not work on religious people, otherwise there would _be_no religious people.”

([Read the rest...](http://www.theskepticsguide.org/sgublog/?p=34))

Update: I’ve corrected an error; Blumenfeld was referring to the reviews section of RNCSE, not to every article.