Letter: Intelligent design, public schools

Letter: Intelligent design, public schools

Therein lies the rub. What other explanations could there possibly be that are nonreligious? (Besides extraterrestrials.) Intelligent design advocates such as Voss might not openly call for classroom lectures on “looks like divine intervention!” But the implicit conclusion is nigh unavoidable. Intelligent design (note the expression!) in public schools functionally guarantees teaching/discussing religious ideas as “truth.”

We can explore that. If my inference is correct, what “unavoidable conclusion that is a religious belief” might intelligent design advocates have in mind? Dare we ask how many want this who are not Christian? (In fairness, perhaps Voss is no more a theist than Dawkins et al.) Could they live with students embracing deism? Islam? Buddhism? Classical philosophy? Anything besides Christianity? Or is the intent to promote some vague generic theism? And why would a committed member of any religious tradition hope for such a thing? Be careful what you ask for.

Be honest and tell us openly. Although difficulties with evolutionary theory probably should be acknowledged, exactly what “other explanations” will be presented and discussed – and accepted? I honestly cannot find how Voss would answer.