Young-earth creationist takes on flat-earthers

According to an article by Noelle Phillips in today’s Boulder Daily Camera, “A Colorado pastor thought he could make flat-Earthers see the light in Antarctica. It didn’t work. Will Duffy traveled to bottom of the world last month to stage ‘The Final Experiment’ under 24 hours of sunlight[.]”
That about says it all: The flat-earthers could not believe the result and spent their time developing conspiracy theories to maintain their belief in the flat earth.
I got curious about Will Duffy. He is pastor of Agape Kingdom Fellowship of Wheatridge, Colorado. Their Statement of Faith assures us, “[God] made the heavens and the earth and everything in them in six literal days[.]” Are we surprised? Mr. Duffy is a young-earth creationist. The flat-earthers, however, are too goofy even for him.
Incontrovertible evidence will not convince flat-earthers that the earth is round. What will it take to convince Mr. Duffy that the earth is very, very old?