Safeguarding Sound Science, Climate Change Edition

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Safeguarding Sound Science combats misinformation, disinformation, and misconceptions about climate change with actual science. In the 7-episode Season One: Climate Change Edition, Mat Kaplan (Senior Communications Advisor of the Planetary Society and former host of Planetary Radio) talks to scientists, teachers, and other experts to explore who’s behind some of the more insidious efforts to sow distrust in climate science, how those efforts filter down to schools and classrooms, and what is being done to ensure that everyone — especially students — is exposed to accurate climate science.

As of this writing, the first two installments have been posted: Episode 1: “What Climate Change? Tackling Climate Denial,” with Michael Mann and Glenn Branch of the National Center for Science Education; and Episode 2: “A Century of Disinformation: Naomi Oreskes and the Merchants of Doubt.”

Reprinted with permission from The NCSE Monitor for March 21, 2025. You may access the podcasts using the Season One link above, or else use Apple Podcasts or Spotify.